Choosing the “Right” Software for your Business

How do you choose the “Right” software for your business? The answer can be derived by determining what it is that you are “needing most” to solve your challenges, answer a few questions and then find a solution that best meets your criteria. My late Grandfather had a saying: “Decide what you want and what […]
Why not to use ALL CAPS when typing

Whenever I see text written in ALL CAPS I ask the person who has written it if they know why it’s not a good idea to type everything in CAPS and most don’t know the reason. I’ve had to explain it so often that I thought a quick explanation for all to see may be of value. […]
VAT Calculations on Eazy Costing Invoices

We are sometimes asked “How is VAT Calculated on Eazy Costing Invoices?” The reason for the question is because sometimes the VAT Calculated doesn’t = (Sub-Total + Sub-Total x VAT Rate). The reason for the seemingly incorrect value is because Eazy Costing uses International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) guidance to calculate VAT. These standards dictate […]
The pain of change and why it’s worth it

Why are people so resistant to change and so thankful they took the step when it’s done? One of the biggest challenges that we, as Eazy Costing, face when pitching to potential clients and waiting for them to sign our SLA is their resistance to change. It appears that “they” are more comfortable sitting and […]
CostPlus Jobs

“What is a CostPlus Job and how do we use it?” is something that we are asked often. A CostPlus Job is a job / project that is worked on without a “specific / fixed” quote. They are typically used when the Contractor is not able to give a quote ahead of time as the […]
What is a Miscellaneous Item

What is a Miscellaneous Item in Eazy Costing, and when should it be used? A Miscellaneous Item in Eazy Costing is a Quote or Cost “Line Item Type”. The Line Item Types are: Stock Items, Labour, Travel, Miscellaneous and Fixed Rates. Miscellaneous items are items that are not Stock Items, Labour, Travel or Fixed Rates. A […]